Who we are ?

BSPUA stands for BANGLADESH SOCIETY FOR PRIVATE UNIVERSITY ACADEMICS. It is a professional body dedicated to professional development of faculty and researchers serving in private higher education sector in Bangladesh. It operates nationwide as a non-political, non-profitable, non-government, and voluntary organization. It was established on 24 June 2021 and registered on 6 March 2023 under the Registration Act 1908 (Act No. XVI of 1908) with the Government of the People’s Republic Bangladesh.

BSPUA aims at becoming a center of excellence for professional development of private university academics. It is committed to contributing to the enhancement of quality higher education and engaging private university academics in different activities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and priorities of the Government of Bangladesh. It is governed by a 19-member Executive Council (EC), elected by the members as per the Bylaws of BSPUA. It has an Advisory Panel consisting of renowned academicians including Hon’ble Member of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, respected Vice Chancellors and Pro-Vice Chancellors of leading private universities, and some distinguished personalities from industry professionals.

Any faculty member serving in a private university, approved under the Private University Act- 2010 of Bangladesh, can become a member and gain benefits from BSPUA professional network and activities round the year. Categories of Membership and Membership Form is available in this website.

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan


Chairman, APUB Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh
Founder & Chairman, Daffodil Family

Prof Dr. Farid A. Sobhani


Professor, School of Business & Economics, United International University (UIU)
Visiting Professor, ARI-Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Vice-President, Federation of Bangladesh Human Resource Organizations